Apple Gumbo!

Little starsMardi Gras! And we’re takin it all the way to New York City. Along with Sarver, PA, DuBois, Ellicottville, Syracuse, Buffalo, and Sharon, PA. Then we high tail it back to Fla. for our annual show at the International Fiddler Crab Festival in Steinhatchee. Tour info here.

Terra Blues
Wed. Feb.6 we are in Greenwich Village at Terra Blues. If you live in the city, or close by, come join us for a night of Blues and Gumbo. If you have friends or relatives in or near the city, please pass the word to them. Send them to my website That will let them know what they are in for.

The band is wickedly rockin these days. This is gonna be a good one.
Reservations:   212-777-7776 (after 5 pm)

glossy_heart_clip_art_13204For your valentine: any CD and two bottles of Liquid Summer Hot Sauce.

Liquid Summer

Liquid Summer

Only $20 at the Sauce Boss Store.


Mardi Gras is the perfect time for gumbo. Over the last twenty two years, I have fed over 185,000 people for free. Never charged a penny for my gumbo.  It’s all part of my message of sharing. We are all a great big gumbo. African slaves brought the okra (gumbo) to the new world. American natives supplied the file’ powder (sassafras). Those crazy french guys brought the roux. Spanish, Italians, and Germans, also had influences on the dish. It’s not just a recipe in a book. It’s many cultures mixing like the ingredients in the pot. Many different ingredients came together to make something nourishing and comforting. If we celebrate our differences, and concentrate on what we have in common, then, we will  make this rainbow of a gumbo JUMP AND SHOUT!

Photo: Joe Sekora

Photo: Joe Sekora

This recipe feeds 8-12 people.

2 cups flour
1 1/2 cups oil
1 chicken, cooked and de-boned
1 gallon of chicken stock
2 large onions
2 large green peppers
1 pound smoked sausage
2 medium zucchini
1 pound okra
1 pound of shrimp
1 pint of oysters
1 pound of crawdads

Make a roux: mix 2 cups of flour into 1 1/2 cups hot oil. Cook on high, stirring constantly until brown. Add the chicken, chicken stock, onions, and green peppers. Bring to a boil, then simmer down. Add salt to taste and 1/2 cup of . . . (drum roll) BILL WHARTON’S LIQUID SUMMER HOT SAUCE. Slice and add: 1 pound of smoked sausage, 2 medium zucchini, and 1 pound of okra. When the okra is done, bring the gumbo to a rolling boil and add shrimp, oysters, and crawdads. Cook for 3 minutes, or until shrimp are just barely cooked. Serve over rice and splash with more Liquid Summer Hot Sauce.

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