“Hot N Heavy” is HERE! ACT NOW! The new CD is out along with the new Hot N Heavy Peach Sauce.

Hot N Heavy is the eleventh CD from the Sauce Boss,  featuring his own swampy slide guitar blues. Drummer Justin Headley, and tag team bass players, Robert “Freightrain” Parker, and David “Biscuit” Miller provide a slammin’ bottom, making this album, by far, the heaviest yet.  Biscuit Miller has played with Lonnie Brooks for decades.  Freightrain did a long stint with Florida Harp icon, Rock Bottom.

The “Marquis de Swamp” says “Welcome to my habitat” over a sonaral bed of frogs, bugs, and who knows what crawled out of the swamp for this noir party. Wharton threw caution out the window with this album, as “Get Naked and Surf” suggests. Is “Lonesome Rider” a mid life crisis, or just a fond remembrance of one of his long motorcycle odysseys?

“That’s How It Feels” walks homeless streets, with the singer walking down the dark alleys of existence. Then “Gonna Be All Right” throws it right in the face of despair and shines a light over it all. “Don’t Know How To Tell You” mellows down into a smooth groove like coming home to Mama.

The title cut is a salacious double entendre with a raucous back beat suitable for lap dancing. Peppered in amongst the songs are grooves of the gumbo. “Okra”, “Andoulle”, “Hot Sauce”, “Chicken In The Gumbo” give the whole proceedings spice and contrast.

After serving free gumbo to over 165,000 hungry fans, after playing and cooking in homeless shelters all over the country, after twenty years on the road, the Sauce Boss is going for it. Blues/ rock/ gospel/ surf / zydeco/ swamp/ funk in a blender. It’s a mess o’ fun.

And if you are a radio DJ that has not yet received your copy of “Hot n Heavy”  send an email to and we will send one right to you. Please send playlists there too.  We are happy to be getting great response for the CD from radio stations from Italy to France to Belgium and all over the US.

For those of you listeners who listen to one of the 103 radio stations airing nationally syndicated “Blues Deluxe”: one of “Hot n Heavy’s” song’s “Gonna Be All Right” will be on this week’s (March 21-27) show.  And help us get more airplay by calling your local blues and roots music radio show and request songs from “Hot n Heavy”.

A few years ago we market-tested a sauce we called “Hot Q”. We have just recently tweaked the recipe and the packaging, and we are now releasing a fresh, new improved batch for all y’all. Everyone who had tried it is going crazy over it. Hot N Heavy Peach Sauce is the latest creation from the kitchen of Bill “Sauce Boss” Wharton. Although it is a great sauce for BBQ, its other applications are many. It can be used in soups, it can be a topping for seafood, pork, chicken, beef or beans and rice. It’s a refreshing salad dressing – sweet and tangy for stir-fry, and for dipping, it rivals Ketchup. Hot N Heavy Peach Sauce should not be over cooked because the peaches are so delicate, however it works great in a crock pot with chicken, or pork. For BBQ, wait until the meat is almost done to glaze it. Try chicken and ribs for an incredible edible, or even tofu. YUMMM!!!

Here’s a couple of recipes for Hot N Heavy Peach Sauce.

Jeanie Thompson’s recipe is simple.
Throw 4 chicken breasts in a crock pot.
Cover em up with Hot N Heavy Peach Sauce.
Turn it on and go to work.
When you get home, it’s ready.

Hot N Heavy Broiled Mullet
Ah yes, the much maligned mullet. The Florida Seafood Assoc. tried to change the name to “Lisa” a few years ago to improve its image. “Trash fish” it’s called, but to its critics, I say this.   There’s nothing better than fresh caught mullet.   Here’s an easy, delicious, and so much fun, Sauce Boss recipe for fresh mullet with Hot N Heavy Peach Sauce slurped all over it.

Jus take yer mullet, son, and grease it up good with olive oil, , and throw it in the broiler. When it feels so good , it might explode, when the fish is almost ready to pop, when yer done doin what yer doin, slosh the Hot N Heavy all over it and stick it in one more time. I bet bet it only takes a minute to finish the job.  Feels so good. Rompin time guaranteed!

AND WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE OUR NEW SAUCE BOSS STORE !! GET ALL YOUR SAUCE BOSS PRODUCTS HERE At our new store, you now buy one bottle of sauce or a bunch. We also have several new package deals, with CDs and sauce, including a special deal on the new CD and one bottle of peach sauce. Be sure to check out all the specials we have. And if you have been wanting a Sauce Boss t-shirt, we have those too.

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